Thanks Jibb! We were going to wait until our launch date to kick off the greenlight as you suggested, but when the Twitch community got wind of our game and started streaming it we got in touch with a fellow named Kevin White (aka Jacklifear) who's going to be organizing a prelaunch event to generate hype Very Soon, and he suggested that we launch the greenlight NOW so that we could capitalize on all the traffic he and all of his affiliates will be generating in the coming days.

So, the lesson is: no battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy, and no marketing plan ever survives contact with the consumer. laugh When the circumstances change you need to adjust your strategy, and in our case that meant launching the greenlight now instead of waiting the extra week and missing this opportunity for votes and exposure.

Anyway, thanks for the support everybody! Words can't describe how much I appreciate it. Seriously.

Last edited by Redeemer; 03/27/15 21:56.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!