Just saw the project can no longer be downloaded from that page now, so if anybody wants a link I can host the windows version on a dropbox or something.

Shame nintendo went and took it down! You can see by the description that all of the art and level assets other than the star, goomba and Mario himself were completely original, so clearly this was a knee-jerk reaction on the part of Nintendo's legal department to protect their own property, even though the paradox is that there are much worse and more blatant infringements going on in places like gmod's steam workshop and such.

Oh well. Hopefully it's not all a waste for the author. The lengths he must've gone to to produce such a faithful recreation of that first stage is very impressive, so I hope he manages to get something out of it in the end.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!