
About the Servers listing, I've also never done this, but I'm planning it for my next project.

The theory is this:
Every play that clicks "Start server" sends URL GET parameters to my webpage, a certain .php file that records his IP, PORT, Server name, Players in server, map name in a MySQL table.
Then, every client that clicks on "Servers list" will send GET method parameters to my webpage, again a certain .php file, that will spit out all servers recorded in the MySQL table as text.
The client's game will parse this text to separate the servers and show them on screen. Once the player clicks "Join", he'll use the IP that was given by my website for that particular server to connect a session.
When a server is closed, it will again send data to my website to get it off the list. Also, each time a client disconnects, the server will send data to modify the information in the table to show accurate players count for that server.

All this is done with a MySQL table and basic PHP.

If you don't know what GET parameters are, search on google. GET is the vars sent with the website address in the URL input box on your Internet Explorer.

The only hard part is parsing the returned text. Not that its hard, but there are countless ways to implement that...

Thanks dude, This is awesome! This makes good sense, I just need to put the theory to work for myself now. I've been building websites so php and mysql is like riding a bike grin Edit: (if you know how to ride a bike I suppose)

Last edited by DLively; 04/05/15 16:44.

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