
I have a little problem when using function overloading:
when passing different types of pointers as parametrs, sometimes the one with char* is used instead of the one with short*, sometimes the one with var* is used instead of the one with int*, even if the type of other parameters differ. here are the little examples:

here char* is used instead of short* (originally both bytevalue were char, but it is wrong with char and short too)
void		array_fillbytes(char* arrayin, int arraylength, char bytevalue)
	if (!arrayin)					return;
	if (arraylength <= 0)		return;
	memset(arrayin, bytevalue, sizeof(char) * arraylength);

void		array_fillbytes(short* arrayin, int arraylength, short bytevalue)
	if (!arrayin)					return;
	if (arraylength <= 0)		return;
	memset(arrayin, (char)bytevalue, sizeof(short) * arraylength);

it does not work properly even if I add an int or var fake parameters respectively in the end, always the one with var* is used:
void	ShowArrayElements(int* inarray, int arraylength, var posx, var posy)
	if (!inarray) return;
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<arraylength; ++i)
			draw_text( str_for_int(NULL, inarray[i]), posx, posy + i*20, COLOR_RED );

void	ShowArrayElements(var* inarray, int arraylength, var posx, var posy)
	if (!inarray) return;
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<arraylength; ++i)
			draw_text( str_for_num(NULL, inarray[i]), posx, posy + i*20, COLOR_GREEN );

in this case only char* is used instead of the short*, all others are fine:
void		array_fill(char* arrayin, int arraylength, char elementvalue);										
void		array_fill(short* arrayin, int arraylength, short elementvalue);
void		array_fill(int* arrayin, int arraylength, int elementvalue);
void		array_fill(var* arrayin, int arraylength, var elementvalue);
void		array_fill(VECTOR* arrayin, int arraylength, VECTOR* elementvalue);

do I do something totally wrong, or the lite-c compiler is playing with me?

I can make workarounds of course, I just want to get more, more, and more knowledge (or engine bugs) laugh

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