@ kartoffel thanks , yes this test also is far from being memory efficient and/or low on memory .

if you fire up windows task managet -resource monitor- memory , you will see it eat up a lot of ram .

the reason for this , at this moment even though I destroy entities outside of range , is that the arrays are pre filled for the test , I have to switch to dictionaries and other methods to only create what I need for visible range instead of filling invisible range data ..

to do this I would need to serialize to disk so I do not store un needed data anymore , and that goes more towards endless generation of visible data..

I have a few experimental updating conditions I am testing now , for instance only updating when frame rate is above a few frames below frame cap , this however needs more thought because a user can easily travel beyond update range in that time , so I need to manage it such that this update condition is overidable at the correct time.

then I am also leaning towards pausing and resuming the update thread , but I haven't even gone beyond this in theory only as of yet .

tust was great help to me in studying voxels plus a certain unity tutorial aided me in forming the basis of understanding voxel worlds , so thanks to those people , however I suck in lite-c , I am better at bringing my concepts to actuality in c++ and now c#( which I am new at ).

Compulsive compiler