@all , thank you for the replies.

I am now at testing noise , then I after that I am going to manage the distance based creation/deletion of chunks etc .


I am expecting bad performance , but I don't know and I would appreciate anyone giving feedback on the amount of fps they get ,so I can estimate what to do , because on my laptop things aren't running that great yet (without distance management abd other important features) currently.

when ran , this test will be active a small amount then be busy for a while , after that it should read 512 entities on the top left .

the fps I would like to know is during the active rendering part of the entities , and perhaps some modifications to the world. .

f5 d3d_lines -on
f6 d3d_lines -off
x - delete chunk
space -remove block
shift -add block

yellow coloured highlights - shows chunk updates

red coloured highlights - shows newly created chunks


Compulsive compiler