You probably mean this?
Originally Posted By: ventilator
3rd party solutions like osakit that use some kind of insecure activex trickery are no real alternative though.
Maybe it's not secure (and that's probably one of the reasons why Chrome disabled NPAPI plugin). But I can tell you this tongue
Originally Posted By: jcl
I'm no expert in OSA Kit either, but I know that several users have used it for games on their websites - maybe someone else can help here?

If not, we'll put up some Gamestudio demo using the OSA Kit, which we intended anyway in the next time.
Or this
Originally Posted By: TerraSame
Have you looked at the "OSA Kit" system?
I suppose it's possable it may help you with your quest...

I have tried this system and it does work well and it's easy to combine a compiled 3dgs project so the project runs through your browser. It does have some advantages over simply downloading a zipped folder... etc...etc...
In any case... Have a look...
Or even this
Originally Posted By: Quad
i also tried some time ago it's pretty easy and requires few simple steps
So it actually works (or worked), and people were satisfied with the results so far.

BTW, I guess example which I've seen before was probably this one:
Originally Posted By: Quad
osakit is pretty nice. here is a osakit-a7 commerical demonstration using template project(10 mb download, seems like osakit pro version has streaming):
But I'm not sure, cause I've thought that I've seen it before I've made my current account (in 2009).

But anyway, I think it's better to make your games another engine (that supports multiplatforming), if you aiming to publish browser game. Even unity is better (with it's plugin), cause people do hear about it, and they know UNITY game engine, and that there are dozen of games made with it. And they can understand, that installing this simply one plugin (for unity) will allow them to play dozen of games over the web, so it won't be like installing plugin just for one game..

Recently I came across 'GameMaker Studio', and I've found out that it's scripting looks very familiar to old c-script, here is an example:

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