MasterQ32 : If I had it set to automatically show all filters, that would mean that everything would show when selecting a parent category, forcing users to either, (a)Scroll through all products to find what they need, or (b)Force them to stop what they are doing to deselect filters they don't want.
How about a "show all" and "remove all" filter buttons. That way the user themselves can decide whether they want to browse a few at a time or all at once.
I am not sure what you mean by : "I needed some time to find the feature". The filter buttons display when clicking any parent category. However, I'll put some text to clear up any confusion on how to use the filter system.

Firoball : I done a full desktop browser test today with : Chrome, IE9, Safari, Firefox, and Opera. The site is fully cross-browser compatible and works with all of them. I have also done a mobile test with the stock android browser and the chrome android browser on multiple phones and tablets. Everything is working great. The errors you see in the w3c check will not affect the page from being seen and the code is not "faulty". It just simple means my code does not meet their "clean code" standards.

Wjbender : What Desktop browser are you using? What mobile browser are you using?

George : Due to being very tired when I finished the submission, I got my old and new filter scripts confused. In the marketplace version, there is a single line of code missing from the database filter script which will cause the market container to not hide the way it should. Sorry about that. I will create a final update that will fix that issue and hopefully any other issues that anyone has.

Have a great day,
Brian Pressley