Originally Posted By: Firoball
Originally Posted By: Toast
Im Extremfall macht man es dann sogar wie etwa Shovel Knight und erzeugt etwas, wo niemand auf den ersten Blick je die Unity Engine hinter vermutet hätte. Da wurde dann eben nur das benutzt was man brauchte um die Spielidee umzusetzen...

Ist zwar nur begrenzt dem Thema zuträglich, aber die Info ist falsch!

Ah ok, so it must have been Broforce which was made in Unity. But nevertheless what I wanted to say is this: Adapt your art to the game and not the possibilities an engine has. One even can make retro looking 8bit style games in Unity... laugh

Originally Posted By: Argon
Wenn ich Unity nutze, muss ich mir erstmal externe Programme ranholen, wie z.B. Blender und dann muss ich mit Blender Models erstellen!
Na schönen Dank

Well to say the truth you'll also have to do that with 3DGS. You do not want to use MED for modelling - not at all! Keeping things like that alive is one of my greatest criticism concerning 3DGS although to be true in the last few years of actual development it for the most part just did get some (crude) animation capabilities. You'll always want to use a proper tool for creating your 3D geometries - you will never come around this part (unless you're totally going for 2D sprites like in Shovel Knight or Broforce). If you feel intimidated by Blender just try another tool which just focuses on modelling like for example Wings3D...

In the end learning Blender might not be a bad idea though as you also can do your animation work in there and also can use its renderer to e.g. create ambient occlusion maps...

To say the truth though if learning a tool for creating geometries is too complicated / too much you might have the wrong idea of game development. As a matter of fact if you're not very fond of doing this you should abandon 3DGS immediately and head for Unity with its quite vast Marketplace with lost of stuff to start with. There you could just buy your art assets and focus on the game creation progress itself...