Originally Posted By: Argon

Und nach Unity Grafik sieht das ja eigentlich nicht aus.

There is no such thing as "Unity Graphics"
The engine is not making the graphics, you are. Or better your artist.

Unity only appears to be complex because when you open the editor and look at it, you see a terrifying amount of sliders, buttons, checkboxes and drop down menus.

The easy way is: invest like 30 Euro in a Unity learning book (there are plenty) and before even having the book finished you'll get an idea on how the interface works. From then on you'll learn easy. Once you've done that (can be done in two weeks!) you possibly understand why so many people are using Unity nowadays.
If you don't want to invest 30 Euros, take one of the online tutorials. There's are vast choice, includign video tutorials.
If you're able to use Lite-C you won't have many problems using C# either.

I'm also very used to A8, and I know many things out of mind or at least where I roughly have to look it up. But I find myself repeatedly programming things which Unity simply offer out of the box.

So: try before you complain, or just don't complain and use A8. Either engine can produce the game you want.