I have written a small shader that contains a for loop to sample an image by rows but I am getting an unrolling error that is breaking my nuts.

Here is the shader:
float4 vecSkill1;

texture mtlSkin1;
sampler texSampler = sampler_state { Texture = <mtlSkin1>; Mipfilter = Point; Minfilter = Point; Magfilter = Point; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; };

float4 PS ( in float2 inTex: TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
	inTex.xy *= vecSkill1.xy;
	float4 color1 = 0;
	int layerCount = vecSkill1.z;
	for ( int layer=0; layer<layerCount; layer+=1 )
		float4 color2 = tex2D ( texSampler, inTex.xy );
		color1.rgb = lerp ( color1.rgb, color2.rgb, color2.a );
		color1.a = max ( color1.a, color2.a );
		inTex.y += vecSkill1.w;
	return color1;

I set the material skills as follows:
mtlRenderer->skill1 = floatd ( bmap_width(bmp), bmap_width(bmpRenderer) ); // width proportion between render target (bmp) and color sampler (bmpRenderer)
mtlRenderer->skill2 = floatd ( bmap_height(bmp), bmap_height(bmpRenderer) ); // height proportion between render target (bmp) and color sampler (bmpRenderer)
mtlRenderer->skill3 = floatv ( 2 ); // number of loops 
mtlRenderer->skill4 = floatd ( 1, bmap_height(bmpRenderer) / bmap_height(bmp) ); // height of render target inside color sampler 0<>1 height range
mtlRenderer->skin1 = bmpRenderer;
bmap_process ( bmp, NULL, mtlRenderer );

And the error:

I checked layerCount and contains the correct value. How the hell can the for loop be unable to unroll? I am totally lost. Any idea would be appreciated.


Last edited by txesmi; 07/26/15 12:59.