@rvL_eXile: Looking good but something about the glass area bugs me a little. Maybe it's the broken glass itself (maybe less detail/ "bumps" could look more natural) or that someone with a house like that would not spend that much time on cutting out perfectly fitting wooden parts to replace those 2 windows. But that's being overly picky.

@JibbSmart: Thanks! I use the pixel's world pos of the simple tree mesh (which is a z-extruded copy of the mountain mesh) and read the mountain height from a 32x32 bmap (without filtering, resulting in 32x32 trees). The idea now is to create a "virtual sprite" facing the camera (which is just a position and an x(y)z normal (DX coordinates), calculate the intersection with the (worldPos-vecViewPos) directional vector and tex2D a "clamp"-tree-texture (the next step is to use a tree texture atlas for variation and clamp and shift the Tex coordinates manually).

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