This is what you need to create a new view laugh you can change it into any view you want and use the same script to make more views laugh
Hope people find this usefull

Pointer that uses the view. 
ENTITY* cammy;
Using a VIEW
VIEW* new_view =
pos_x = 17	 	<<< Placement on X
pos_y = 10;		<<< Placement on Y
size_x = 150;		<<< Size of view x
size_y = 150;		<<< Size of view Y
arc = 60;		<<< sets the camera.arc  zoom factor of the view
layer = 4;		<<< Placed on top of other views that have a lower layer value
genius = cammy;	<<< The pointer that is using the view
flags = SHOW ;		<<< Make view visible

The function that uses the VIEUW

function attached_startup()    <<< attaches the view to the pointer
while (!cammy) {wait (1);}       	<<< wait till pointer is in the levels.
new_view.tilt = -15;                  	<<<  make the new view look downwards a bit
new_view.pan = cammy.pan;	<<< make view pan the same as the pointer pan
while (1)
vec_set(new_view.x, cammy.x);  <<< set_vec (attach cam to pointer)
new_view.y -=1000;		  <<< Set Y camera
new_view.x =0;			  <<< Set X camera
new_view.z += 100; 		  <<< Set height of camera
wait (1);

Simple action for the new view camera pointer model.

action camsy()
cammy = me;

Last edited by Realspawn; 09/29/15 09:49.

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