Hmm, stuck again. I'm getting an error with this:
my.skill10 = 0;

I'm not sure if the variable door_ids needs to be local or global. That's my noobness showing. wink Any ideas on how to fix this is very appreciated! laugh

Here's what I've got so far:
ENTITY* t_switch;
ENTITY* t_trigger[100]; // set a hard max and do not exceed

var trig_percentage;
var t_switch_range = 150;
var trigger_ids=0;

action trigger_switch()
	while (!player) {wait (1);} // wait until the player is loaded
	vec_set (my.skill61, my.x); // store the xyz initial position of the switch inside skill61... 63
	t_trigger = me; //this is a pointer defining the entity listed at the top
	//	var active_tri = 0; //variable defining where the switch is currently at.
	t_trigger[trigger_ids] = me; // index from 0-499

	my.skill10 = 0; /// active_tri must be moved to a skill not a var

		c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(360, 180, t_switch_range), IGNORE_ME | SCAN_ENTS); // each switch scans around it, trying to detect the player
		if (you) // detected an entity?
			if (you == player) // and that entity is the player?
				if (key_enter)
					if(my.skill10 == 0)
						trig_percentage =0;
						while(trig_percentage < 100)  //stops an infinite loop. 
							trig_percentage += 2*time_step;
							ent_animate(t_switch, "on", trig_percentage, ANM_SKIP);
						my.skill10 = 1;


						trig_percentage = 0;
						while(trig_percentage < 100)  //stops an infinite loop. 
							trig_percentage += 2*time_step;
							ent_animate(t_switch, "off", trig_percentage, ANM_SKIP);
						my.skill10 = 0;

action door_or_platform()
	wait(3); /// or other wait to make sure level is loaded
	var door_ids;
	door_ids += 1;
	my.skill80 = door_ids // 1-500 this id matches t_trigger +1. so t_trigger[2] == my.skill80=3;

	my.skill10 = 0;


		my.skill10 = t_trigger[my.skill80-1].active_tri;

		if(my.skill10 == 0)

my.x += 25
		if(my.skill10 == 1)

my.x -= 25