thank you sid , appreciate it and i agree fully here , i am not against critique , i was not against critique ,all i wanted was a review or comments on the "game" which is what this was about for me , but instead of that i received comment on the page and graphics on the page , i have not worked on those things they were thrown together in a little while , they were quickly thought up at the moment i saw the publishing process ask me for images and text , so i did not work on those , it is only logical then that it sucks ,and illogical to receive a review on that ,when all i really wanted was a review on the game.

yes it is true everything about what has been said about the content of the page sucks i admitted to it and agreed with slin and others , i understand not all has android supported devices , and slin only gave advice on what he could , but saying the game sucks becouse of the parts i did not want to get reviewed , that is a bit unfair ,since i only needed something on the game it self .

i even critisize myself right throughout my post ,you may go read it , i am not against critisizm .

the app passed all amazon tests ,but i do not know if it really is something that would work on devices as they have reported , and i would just have liked some comments on the game , since it is the game i worked on for a while in the spare time i had , coding 90% and in game visuals 10% , functionality and bugs and if its fun or not that sort of thing.

i did not plan on selling it , only getting it on somewhere , going throught the process ,and learning how to do it ,because i know the game is not all that ,but a game is a game and there are many game developers here which i respect and would have loved input from , thats my point , critisize my "GAME" graphics and art and etc can even be done by an artist if i were to get serious with a project , but coding and the final game would still come down to me , so it is this area i would like comments on .

do not get me wrong i appreciate all the other advice because it is all relative in regards to a professional looking deployment on a store and good advertisement , those are really good points and advice , i agreed and still do agree with that ,but everyone here knows , those things can be changed easily and quickly so i dont care about those things at this time .

i do appoligize if i did take anything up wrong and i do appoligize for any bad responces , but , people should also see their wrongs , in this case firo should see also how that reply could have been offencive , but its over i dont mind anymore .
but , enjoy the beer(s) laugh

Compulsive compiler