Wow new method , you re right Txesmi using more than loop and with c_scan can slow down the game if it has lot of models laugh

the corrected code to use just one c_scan and one while loop in player :

ENTITY* tmp_opener;
var max_doors_z = 100;
action door()
	my.skill99 = 100; /// its a door

action opener()
	my.skill99 = 99; /// its an opener

function player_scan_openers()
	if((key_enter)) // do the scan only when button enter pressed
		c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(360, 0, 300), IGNORE_ME | SCAN_ENTS);
			if(you.skill99 == 99)
				tmp_opener = you;
				for(you = ent_next(NULL); you; you = ent_next(you))
					if(you.skill99  == 100)
						if(tmp_opener.skill1 == you.skill1)
							if(you.skill2 == 0)
								you.skill2 = 1;								
								var trig_percentage = 0;
								while(trig_percentage < 100) 
									trig_percentage += 10 * time_step;
									ent_animate(tmp_opener, "on", trig_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);
								var tmp_z = you.z + 100;
								while(you.z < tmp_z)
									you.z += 5;
								you.skill2 = 2;
								if(you.skill2 == 2)
									you.skill2 = 1;
									var trig_percentage =0;
									while(trig_percentage < 100)
										trig_percentage += 10 * time_step;
										ent_animate(tmp_opener, "off", trig_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);
									var tmp_z = you.z - 100;
									while(you.z > tmp_z)
										you.z -= 5;
									you.skill2 = 0;

Not tested

Last edited by Dico; 10/21/15 21:01.