I am trying to make a model walk a certain path titled "path_001" on a spiral staircase in a WED file. I created the path in WED, and it is titled "path_001".

I placed a model on the spiral staircase. The model gets placed when I put this code in my program:


ENTITY* monster;


monster = ent_create("monster.mdl", vector(1,564,247), monster_action ); 


However, when I place this code in the monster_action() function:


action monster_code()

   ent_movepath(me, "path_001", 2, 1+2); // THIS CODE HERE




...the monster that would normally have been placed when the level loaded, does not show up when the game loads.

Has anyone else had the problem of a model not being loaded when you try to program it to move along a certain path using the ent_movepath() function?