I've been searching for days, but all I can find is either too complicated for me, or it uses external software that works only as a VNC.

I want to stream my app to debian and use a raspberry as a handheld "monitor" of my laptop using sockets.

I've found (very few) examples that use D3D to access the backbuffer and write it to a file, but I have no idea if this is suitable to be streamed (not sure if it can be turned back into an image on the client) and also, I have no idea how to get the device context and stream this info using a socket (Theres only a D3D function to save the data as an image file, which is slower than sending that data directly).

I'm a newbie in D3D, but I'll get better soon.

Anything that can point me in the right direction will be appreciated laugh


PS.: I found this, an example by HeelX on grabbing the screen, and from what I can understand, "hBitmapdc" holds the content of the backbuffer for the desktop (lets assume I somehow point it towards the engine window grin ), how can I send it to Python socket client (what kind of data it is?) and will Python understand what it is, I mean, is it a bmp? Sorry if this sounds newbish, but I have no idea what this buffer holds grin
I found this for Python (wx) which creates an image from a buffer object (suppose a socket put that data in that object) and display it later as a streamed image in a window:

CopyFromBuffer(self, data, format=BitmapBufferFormat_RGB, stride=-1)
Copy data from a buffer object to replace the bitmap pixel data.
Default format is plain RGB, but other formats are now supported as

Here's the example from HeelX on grabbing the image:

// Grabs the entire desktop. Make sure to set video_alpha to 0 before and to 100 after,
// to grab the desktop without the engine. Returns a BMAP* with the grabbed desktop.
BMAP* bmap_for_desktop ()
BMAP* bmap = NULL;

// get the device context of the entire desktop, including windows bar and everything
HDC hDesktopDC = GetWindowDC(HWND_DESKTOP);
if (hDesktopDC != 0)
// get desktop size in pixels
int desktopSizeX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
int desktopSizeY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);

// creates a bitmap compatible with the desktop device context, in which we will later
// blit the desktop content into

HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDesktopDC, desktopSizeX, desktopSizeY);
if (hBitmap != NULL)
// create a memory device context compatible with the device context of the desktop. This
// context will be used to select the blit target
HDC hBitmapdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDesktopDC);

// select the target bitmap into a the desktop-alike device context and copy the desktop
SelectObject(hBitmapdc, hBitmap);
BitBlt(hBitmapdc, 0, 0, desktopSizeX, desktopSizeY, hDesktopDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

// create Gamestudio bitmap with size of the desktop
bmap = bmap_createblack(desktopSizeX, desktopSizeY, 888);
if (bmap != NULL)
// lock bitmap to blit from windows bitmap to Gamestudio bitmap
var format = bmap_lock(bmap, 0);
if (format > 0)
// we blit the bitmap pixelwise by fetching and converting the RGB components from the
// Windows bitmap and throwing it with pixel_to_bmap into the Gamestudio bitmap. This
// procedure might be faster by using GetDIBits and bmap->finalbits, but this seems to be
// safer for now

int iRow, iCol;
COLORREF colorRef;
COLOR color;
var pixel;

for (iRow = 0; iRow < bmap->height; iRow++)
for (iCol = 0; iCol < bmap->width; iCol++)
// retrieve the RGB color value as of the pixel at the specified coordinate as hexadecimal
// value 0x00bbggrr. We use the standard GDI macros to extract the component
colorRef = GetPixel(hBitmapdc, iCol, iRow);

if (colorRef != CLR_INVALID)
color.red = GetRValue(colorRef);
color.green = GetGValue(colorRef);
color.blue = GetBValue(colorRef);
// else: the pixel is outside of the current clipping region

// convert and set the retrieved color to a pixel in the format of the Gamestudio bitmap
pixel = pixel_for_vec(&color, 100, format);
pixel_to_bmap(bmap, iCol, iRow, pixel);

// blitting done, unlock Gamestudio bitmap

// lets delete the desktop-alike device context

// an application must not -delete- a DC whose handle was obtained by calling the GetDC
// function. Instead, it must call the ReleaseDC function to free the DC. If such a DC is
// not freed, serious effects on painting requested by other applications can happen!
ReleaseDC(HWND_DESKTOP, hDesktopDC);


Last edited by EpsiloN; 11/01/15 23:28.

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