When i see how many times my workshops and tutorials are downloaded there
are still a lot of people out there working with 3dgs laugh the main problem of
3dgs is the lack of simple and clear examples laugh it's a good thing we have
a nice forum still.

it's the creative artist that makes a game it does not have to be made
with a great super engine as gameplay is important.

I tried unity but i still can't get used to that stuffed work area with so
many buttons and functions that you simply get lost in it. I like working with 3dgs and although it should use a major update the working enviroment feels good to me laugh

I do remember the old days when i bought 3dgs as it stated no programming was needed well boy were they wrong

Last edited by Realspawn; 11/05/15 14:08.

Find all my tutorials & Workshops at : www.rp-interactive.nl

Creativity starts in the brain