Wow! - a reply from the top man himself..!

What I'm trying to do is write a program ( to quickly create a building (with number of floors/basement levels, etc.) using 3 questions that any dummy could answer.

1: What are the height/width dimensions of the foundation in feet.
2: How many floors does the building have?
3: Now many basement levels?

Ignoring the dimensions, say the responses are 5 floors and 3 basements.
The program would create: A foundation level, 5 floor levels, and 3 basement levels. (With the same dimensions as the foundation).
The resulting dataset I wish to turn into a WMP file that can be loaded into WED for further detail work, by somebody else.

(My target audience is "simple folk" - no knowledge of CAD, 3DGS, etc.)

If you have any suggestions of better ways to do this (WMP vs WMB) I'm all ears..
(I guess that would really by "all eyes" since this is a forum)



Dreaming ain't Doing..!
<sigh> Darn semicolons - I always manage to miss at least 1..!