Originally Posted By: Logitek
My question is: Is 3.75 the correct value to get the same speed? It is without c_move, but that is not the question.

Then I don't really understand the question/ issue. Why would c_move be any different?

To your other question: Just get completely rid off the way of thinking with frame rate dependent stuff. It's only getting you in trouble and it's not helping. Don't even try to compare problems with framerate dependent solutions.
You know that the engine works in ticks, like 16 ticks equal one second. Then

my.skill1 = 16;
while(my.skill1 > 0)
my.skill1 -= time_step;

is going to take approximately 1 second. With stuff like that I pretty much do all my code, like

my.skill2 += time_step;
if(my.skill2 > 2)
my.skill2 -= 2;
effect(...); // <--- now 8 particles get spawned every second, framerate independent

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