@RTG: crazy ...

@jcl: Thanks for your hint! I thought the code is too simple but ...

Is there a chance to print a bool variable directly or typecasted with print? My tries always end in a "Error 111: Crash in script".

I tried a workaround:

if (rising(SMAShort)) 
	string SMAShortD = "rising";
else if (falling(SMAShort))
	string SMAShortD = "falling";

then SMAShortD is either (null) or "falling". If I turn it upside down:

if (falling(SMAShort)) 
	string SMAShortD = "falling";
else if (rising(SMAShort))
	string SMAShortD = "rising";

then SMAShortD is either (null) or "rising". I really like to know what I'm doing wrong.