Edit- This thread seemed to naturally expand beyond this first post. So I change the name and opened it up to wider discussions.

I'm seeking your opinions on the things you like in turn based games. As some may know, I don't play games(odd I know). So my broad exposure is very limited. I will list some Ideas about rule and systems and design, but most of it is adaptation for my childhood learning of the ancient Dungeons and Dragons ed2 rules.

1) movement is limit by amount per turn.
2) actions can be take during moves, that involve arms and hands - i.e. shoot a gun
3) running can increase speed but would kill the ability to make most other actions while running - i.e. shooting a gun while in a full on sprint would be pointless - aim penalty to extreme.
4) difficult actions would kill movement and take the whole turn - i.e. setting up a mobile motor, aiming and firing.
5) fatigue should kill running and walking after prolonged movements. i.e. running 120 meter in full sprint will tire you out.

I know it's just a few and only dealing with movement, but I welcome all design input for all things turn-based. And genre is open as most things can be convert i.e. fantasy to sci-fi

Thank you all

Last edited by Malice; 11/21/15 15:30.