Anyways, I'll kill this here, or it will become a huge aimless rant. Lol
, ahh but I was starting to like this conversation grin
Anyway I wouldn't sweat about that, this forum isn't that crowded anyway. Besides things like these are interesting cause they can result in new game ideas.

So you like Borderlands 2, and dislike most shooters (most shooters tend to be a bit repetive in gameplay not saying that is a bad point per se). I would say Borderlands is obviously a shooter rpg hybrid game. Have you tried other shooter rpg games like Fallout(3/NV/4) and Deus Ex(1 if you don't mind outdated graphics, 3 is good too)? Perhaps the Stalker series, though personally it couldn't get my attention.
Those games do have alot to offer so they should be less repetive, but sadly can't be coop'ed (except through some wip mods).

or the thing I would like in a game don't exist.
, what would be the most importants things you would like to have in a game?

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 11/20/15 10:40.