You will display this text, so why not use a text directly...
Define a text and follow the manual examples:
TEXT* inventory_text =	
    layer = 1;
    pos_x = 10;
    pos_y = 10;
    strings = 100;
    flags = LIGHT | SHOW;

Now, to access individual strings from this text use:

And I suggest never try to modify this directly. Always use str_cpy or you can get in a lot of trouble without understanding where your error is grin
str_cpy((inventory_text.pstring)[0],"Short sword");

Originally Posted By: "Florastamine"
You have to replace STRING *filler[] with a pointer to pointer:

Your answer is great, but...
If he's new to this, I doubt he'll understand what a pointer to pointer is laugh I'm not new, but I just scratched the surface of C++, so even I get confused sometimes...

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