Thanks for the feedback! Here is the final hallway (for now). I'm not 100% happy with this, but it looks good enough for me to move on to the next part. I will probably have to redo the textures a bit, because the UVs seem to distort the image in some places. Also, I can't quite figure out why the normal/specular maps don't work the way I want them to. They are working, but you really have to pay attention to actually see them. It would be nice if they were more pronounced...

Epsilon: If you're talking about my problem with adding a lot of plant-life to my levels, it's not an issue of while loops. Currently, they are just models placed on the level, with no running function, and no interaction with the player. I can get up to about 10,000 objects, but above that I can't load saved levels. I was thinking of writing a function to rebuild the levels based on a saved text file, like you mentioned. I think that would be the best option and would allow future updates of the game to run older saved games, which would be nice.

I tried writing this function once, and it seemed to record the data correctly, but I could not get it to rebuild the level. I'd love to see your function, if you'd be willing to share it.

I'd really like to be able to have jungle like planets with tons of trees/grass etc... Right now everything looks like a desert.