Hi all, I've been spending some spare time getting re-acquainted with the engine and working on a shader that I had abandoned several years ago. I think I have it going well as the whole, and can now work on individual components in the shader.

Eventually, when I get the thing ironed out to my satisfaction I'll post the code in the Wiki with a tutorial. It is kind of a neat concept in my opinion. And something I had always wanted to incorporate into the game/level I could never see to make!


// water_flow_101_release01 -- 12/19/2015 -- Steempipe (Eric Hendrickson-Lambert)
// animate water flow direction with a flowmap in the pixelshader.
// version 101 uses a static cubemap for relection, and requires much work
// requires: 3DGS A8 C/P, vs/ps2_0, DirectX 9
// based on the implementation presented here:
// http://graphicsrunner.blogspot.com/2010/08/water-using-flow-maps.html
// flowmap produced from tool here:
// http://teckartist.com/?page_id=107
// ***************************************************************************

Press '0' to use free the camera, arrow keys to move
right mouse button to pan/tilt
'esc' to quit

-Continue to smooth out the pulsation effect
-Improve the specular component, add the fresnal effect
-Increase perturbation of environment map, fix artifacts, etc
-Change code for realtime reflection/refraction
-Produce a demo level and tutorial on the use