Hey guys,

after having sporadic (very, very seldom) crashes after a level_load, I was able to get a savegame where I can reproduce the crash every time.

It's always the same level I load that crashes. I haven't had a crash with another level.

The strange thing is that this level only crashes when I load it from a certain other level. It's always those two and in this order.

If I load the level that crashes from any other level I don't have a crash at all.

The crash appears with the first wait(1) after the level_load.

Also strange is that the crash disappears once I remove a random entity in WED in the level where the crash appears ... it doesn't matter which entity I delete.

All levels are very, very small (every room in the mansion is a level).

Unfortunately I cannot use the SED debugger as its internal XML structure for the variables gets too big for a 32bit application and leads into a SED crash. I asked JCL about that a while ago, but it doesn't seem that we get a new debugger :-(

Does anybody had such an error before? I'm really getting mad after trying to solve this issue for a long time.

Any hint is appreciated.
