Sorry for the "wait(-5)" ... it was just something I also tried inside the complete game code to asure that everything is created. Actually I set proc_late for the load_new_room function and use wait(1) or wait(2).

I also believe that the error is somewhere inside the code, but I'm just confused that changing the order of the models inside WED removes the crash.

I'm just hoping to get some fresh ideas where to look by brainstorming with you (by the way ... thanks to all of you for discussing this issue with me).

Maybe I should also check the entities in the "engine_gettaskinfo"-list ... maybe one of the functions get an invalid entity pointer? The question is why should that happen just in the case the rooms are loaded in this order.

By the way ... I'd love to share more of the code with you, but it's really a lot of code. Far too much to post it. And the whole project is about 1 GB.