Looks good...

First shot:
+Textures are nice
-Lights on the wall dont look 3d enough, I would either make em models or else put some bump map/ relief maps on it

Second shot:
-Grating texture doesnt line up when it goes verticle, I'd use a different texture

Third shot:
+Nice, unique atmosphere being shown. I like it.

Fourth shot:
+Cool design
-Lights on ceiling dont look right with pitch black around, I'd suggest a dark grey ambience.

Overall, you got a nice game with good textures and a unique atmosphere, but some work needs to be done yet to make it look the best it can.

Jimmy died, today, he blew his brains out into the bay, in the state of mind, its my own private suicide. A stitch in time saves nine... what the hell does that mean?!?