I used two different shapes (two different models, one for standing hull and one for crawling! it's almost same as pXent_addshape, but CCT!), and I switch between them while moving (each of those shapes have pointers and I have one main pointer, that 'points' to the current hull, this way I can handle movement, camera, animations and whatever!). Maybe tomorrow I'll upload a new demo, which will show all results!

Edit: my happines did not last for too long, cause somehow this little fuc*er doesn't fit this little whole... lubricant/vaseline didn't help here...

I guess most of community users who used to ask me "why don't I just use physX instead of OBB" now can see a materialized answer to their question. Problem is, that as far I as understood I need to keep stand and crawl hulls symmetrical somehow (32x32x64 and 32x32x32), other ways it will result falling trough ground crawl hull (maybe I could make some dirty workaround, but I'm really pissed off right now... and I don't really want to publish something dirty and too tricky to use at the end). Tomorrow I'll continue on copulating with lovely Ackenex and it's lustful physX...

Best regards!

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