using google advanced search with the online manual as site , i found a mention of it in an old a7 version :

PRAGMA_BIND and PRAGMA_LEVEL now support file names with spaces; still, it is absolutely not
recommended to have file names with spaces or foreign characters in your game.

do not know if it changed ..

oh wait we go

Gamestudio and lite-C support numerous file formats for importing and exporting artwork and data. !! Keep
file names short - the names of entity and texture files (including extension) in WMP and WMB levels are
limited to 30 characters , and texture and skin names in WAD and MDL models files are limited to 15
characters . File names must not contain any special characters except " _ " or " +". Never, ever, use spaces
in your file or path names! Many import filters from other editors will not find texture files when they have
spaces or exotic characters in their name.

Last edited by Wjbender; 01/31/16 18:20.

Compulsive compiler