Dear poco,

yes, that's how it's meant to be played. I am inspired by darkish sci-fi and fantasy movies and games.I love computer graphics and special effects in movies.

Recently, I saw Constantine, Riddick and the latest Star Wars Movie.

The game will hopefully be released around Christmas this year. It will be available for free, as I am already working on a commercial game that will be published sometime in 2006 or 7 (I am not allowed to tell any more about apart from that we have already found a publisher). From now on, I will always try to make a commercial game and a free game for this community. Depending on the filesize, I will put it on my website for Download or you can get it on CD. Making it available on CD means that anyone wanting the game would have to pay the CD and the transport fees. The game itself is of cource free. It is meant as a gift to this great community. In this case, I will of course make a demo available on my website, so you can test it, before you spend money for packaging and transport.
Also, all models I built for this game will be available for free. I am working on a trailer, which will be available for download this saturday or in a fortnight, depending if I can complete the trailer before going on vacation.

So: Trailer coming soon, Demo and free full verion for christmas.

Best regs to Canada (you must be happy to live there :-)

Last edited by rincewind; 09/08/05 15:22.

Born for runes