Hello Lost,

thanks very much for downloading the trailer. You are perfectly right. Alex' face seems off. I took some photos of him, when he was working in the bar and I just couldn't keep him from grinning all the time :-), because he was so happy. AN I think this is also due to the light in the bar. Anyway.. I#m going on vacation with my brother on sunday, and we will be visiting them for a week, so I will take some new photos and replace the skin.

I haven't skinned the rocket yet so you're right..this has to be changed. The template effects will be replace by particle effects. I'm currently using EP3 to learn how to make particle scripts which is a great help.

Again.. thanks.. this is more than I expected.

Best regards

Last edited by rincewind; 09/09/05 15:13.

Born for runes