And, since you're gonna use this, here's the final function I used, because bmap_scale gave some wrong results and errors (probably bad memory management):

function paintSpriteOnTerrain( ENTITY* terrainEnt , BMAP* sourceSpriteBmap , VECTOR* posVec , spriteAngle , spriteScale ) {
	if( !terrainEnt || !sourceSpriteBmap ) { return; }

	if( spriteScale == 0 ) { spriteScale = 1; }
	var sWidth = bmap_width(sourceSpriteBmap) * spriteScale;
	var sHeight = bmap_height(sourceSpriteBmap) * spriteScale;

// Create the spriteBmap pointer global and create a bitmap for it one time only
// Blit each time the sprite is used
// to save some run-time...
	BMAP* spriteBmap = bmap_createblack( sWidth, sHeight, bmap_format(sourceSpriteBmap) );
	bmap_blit( spriteBmap, sourceSpriteBmap, NULL , vector(sWidth, sHeight, 0) );

	spriteAngle *= -1;
	if( spriteAngle < -180 ) { spriteAngle += 360; } 
	if( spriteAngle > 180 ) { spriteAngle -= 360; }

	var bmapHandle2 = bmap_lock(spriteBmap , 0);
	if( bmapHandle2 == 0 ) { return; }

	var rotCosine = cosv( spriteAngle );
	var rotSine = sinv( spriteAngle );

	VECTOR destPoint[4];
	vec_zero( destPoint[0] );
	destPoint[1].x = (-sHeight*rotSine);
	destPoint[1].y = (sHeight*rotCosine);
	destPoint[2].x = (sWidth*rotCosine-sHeight*rotSine);
	destPoint[2].y = (sHeight*rotCosine+sWidth*rotSine);
	destPoint[3].x = (sWidth*rotCosine);
	destPoint[3].y = (sWidth*rotSine);

	var minx = minv(destPoint[0].x,minv(destPoint[1].x,minv(destPoint[2].x,destPoint[3].x)));
	var miny = minv(destPoint[0].y,minv(destPoint[1].y,minv(destPoint[2].y,destPoint[3].y)));
	var maxx = maxv(destPoint[0].x,maxv(destPoint[1].x,maxv(destPoint[2].x,destPoint[3].x)));
	var maxy = maxv(destPoint[0].y,maxv(destPoint[1].y,maxv(destPoint[2].y,destPoint[3].y)));

	int nWidth=(int)ceil(abs(maxx)-minx);
	int nHeight=(int)ceil(abs(maxy)-miny);

	BMAP* terrainSkin = bmap_for_entity(terrainEnt,0);
	if( terrainSkin == NULL ) { return; }
	var dWidth = bmap_width( terrainSkin );
	var dHeight = bmap_height( terrainSkin );
	var bmapHandle = bmap_lock(terrainSkin , 0);
	if( bmapHandle == 0 ) { return; }

	posVec.x -= integer(nWidth / 2);
	posVec.y -= integer(nHeight / 2);
	if( posVec.x < 0 ) { posVec.x = 0; }
	if( posVec.y < 0 ) { posVec.y = 0; }
	if( posVec.x > dWidth - nWidth ) { posVec.x = dWidth - nWidth; }
	if( posVec.y > dHeight - nHeight ) { posVec.y = dHeight - nHeight; }

	COLOR terrainColor;
	var terrainAlpha;
	COLOR finalColor;
	VECTOR sourcePixelPos;
	COLOR currentPixelColor;
	var currentPixelAlpha;
	var i , j;
	for( j = 0; j < nHeight ; j++ ) {
		for( i = 0; i < nWidth; i++ ) {
			sourcePixelPos.x = integer( (i + minx) * rotCosine + (j + miny) * rotSine);
			sourcePixelPos.y = integer( (j + miny) * rotCosine - (i + minx) * rotSine);
			if( sourcePixelPos.x >= 0 && sourcePixelPos.x < sWidth && sourcePixelPos.y >= 0 && sourcePixelPos.y < sHeight ) {
				pixel_to_vec( currentPixelColor , currentPixelAlpha , bmapHandle2 , pixel_for_bmap( spriteBmap , sourcePixelPos.x , sourcePixelPos.y ) );
				if( currentPixelAlpha > 0 ) {
					pixel_to_vec( terrainColor , terrainAlpha , bmapHandle , pixel_for_bmap( terrainSkin , posVec.x + i , posVec.y + j ) );
					vec_lerp ( finalColor, terrainColor, currentPixelColor , currentPixelAlpha/100 );
					pixel_to_bmap( terrainSkin , posVec.x + i , posVec.y + j , pixel_for_vec( finalColor , 100 , bmapHandle) );
	bmap_remove( spriteBmap );

I cant say this is bug-free, because I dropped the project 3 months ago laugh (didn't win the contest) but, I remember it working the last time.

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: