Working on a complete gwen wrapper.

I know it is an old abandoned library.
But it works it is relative lightweight.
acknex is old too, so it fits.

All gwen objects are accessable through interfaces for example (window->base)->setSize(100, 100), window->setTitle("Title") etc.
All base element mthods are accessable through the window->base struct. I don't need to redefine every base method this way.
The real c++ class object is saved as a void* in a lite-c insterface struct. The interface points to methods like this->base->setsize = gwen_base_setSize;
This method calls the real DLL wrapper method.

I had to extend the gwen sourcecode, to use lite-c methods in event calls.

So far this works very well. At the and it is easy to use and a very plain easy system. But it is a pain in the ass to wrap all of the gui objects this way.