This is probably question for Zorro developers...

So...I am setting the spread as described above. However I'm using the tick() and priceClose() to assign it to a global variable first. I have TICKS flag set.

float spread;
function tick()
   // if current asset == artificial spread asset
   if(!strcmp(Asset, ast1s))
      spread = priceClose();

From Zorro documentation: In a TMF or tick function, priceClose() returns the last price quote, updated every tick when new price data becomes available.

The prices seem to be OK in general but the spread values are sometimes weird. I double-checked that the values I'm storing in my T1 conversion script are fine. Is there any kind of smoothing or something that could cause this? Here's what I get when exporting the T1 values. I aligned the corresponding times in original and converted series and highlited the discrepancies.

A link to download the spreadsheet: