Thanks for the notes. They got me reading more and they are transportable notes on directx not just this engine (or rather maybe HLSL). Which is great, because I'm looking to learn future transferable skill, like dx and hlsl.

Turns out , AlphaBelndEnable is set to off(FALSE) by default.

I add the line to test and I saw no visible differences.

TRUE to enable alpha-blended transparency. The default value is FALSE.
The type of alpha blending is determined by the D3DRS_SRCBLEND and D3DRS_DESTBLEND render states.

Microsoft Link

Aside for the bad texture -> the over-layered grass models have random scale differences as well as random pan angle shifts, and do to the floor normal alignment they can differ in tile and roll angles as well. I'm not sure what you see(Because I'm ignorant to what I'm looking for.), but maybe it's related to these other factors.

Thanks for the notes, and help. There always welcomed.

Last edited by Malice; 06/15/16 00:55.