At the moment I'm working on my 2D renderer. I just made some improvements to allow for pixelart rendering:

Awesome! Will it be faster than the engine 2d rendering?

@Malice: If I understood right, you're using actual movement vectors instead of placing the object at the calculated position on the curve? cool stuff.

Thank you! Yes the white entity is moving with the normal c_move on a the relative x vector. It's using vec_to_angle to look at the blue dot, which is an point on the curve somewhere around 1-2 frames ahead of the entity.
Because points on the curve are found by a factor of time_to_length of 0-1 * curve_length, The entity can't simple chase a factored point. The next chase point must be found each frame.

Because t=0-1 creates different distances with different length curves, simply stepping through at a set step_interval would cause the look_to_point to move faster or slow dependent on it's place on the curve and the curve total length.

Using a standard movement vector the entity can join or exit the curve at any point and has standard collision. Because the look_to_point(bluedot) is calculated form the entity at the entities speed, even during a slowdown or collision(or being pushed backward) the look_to_point stays relatively 1-2 frames ahead of the entity at the entities movement speed.

So the entity is never attached and can move at any speed or speed variation (acceleration/deceleration).

The blue_dot is actual about the entity.xyz+entity.speed*frame.

Lol I think I'm just sound more and more confusing lol

Thank you for the reply!!

Last edited by Malice; 06/18/16 15:52.