^ nope @3run you are right -> stackoverflow

i5 750
DDR3 4G Win7 pro x64 sp1
DXSDK 9.0c June 2010
GeForce GT240(driver 275.33) 512MB
MSVC 2008 sp1

a game project that uses character sprite images that is DXT5(A8R8G8B8) dds format.
A sprite is 512*512 size per each frame, and each frame is each other files.
(we uses rendered 3dsmax cartoon shader modeling animation. and 3dsmax render each frame onto each other files.)
and load that way :

HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx( m_pd3dDevice //LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 m_pd3dDevice
,filename_upper.c_str() //std::wstring filename_upper
,&info // D3DXIMAGE_INFO info
,&rsTexture //LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 rsTexture
the hr is almost S_OK. when many files are loaded, sometimes it outs D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA.
i was googling and i found it is not means reached out of Memory. (out of memory is D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY or E_OUTOFMEMORY)
many answer says "file corrupted or abnormally format", but i don't think so because the error occurs in load random file. (the 'load failed file' is load successfully when next time, or the opposite case randomly).

what's the problem and what can i do?
i'm really in panic help me!

I thought changing the nexus might be the answer - but no go

EDIT - link to thread https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums...ogiesdirectx101

EDIT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10980659/d3dxerr-invaliddata-occur

Last edited by Malice; 07/03/16 00:31.