Hey there,

the 2nd level is completely finished now.
I uploaded a video clip showing the game in motion (1st and 2nd level) and preview on the third level which is work in progress and will be finished next:

Antaris Video Clip
(The video is a 23 MB download. It is a 6 Minutes movie in compressed format i.e. low resolution)

The video soundtrack "Kill the king" is an old song by Rainbow. For copyright reasons it is mixed up with the ingame sound and therefore unusable for distribution.

Here are some screenshots:

Current progress:
All levels are built
2 levels are completely finished and playable, 3rd level is in progress.
7 enemy types included and working,
extra weapons in every level
Trip mines: Some doors and rooms are secured with traps made of trip mines. If the player runs into such mine, his view will turn green and narrow until he finds a medic wall cabinet with some medication.

I will be on holiday now (sun, fun and beach) from tomorrow morning until next sunday, so don't be cross with me if I don't respond to any comments immediately.

Best regards

Born for runes