//Reads filenames that match the given wildcard/s into separate strings of a text object. 
//This instruction can be used to scan a folder for files matching MULTIPLE wildcards. 
//targ			Pointer to the target TEXT* pointer for the TEXT object to be filled.
//					If the target TEXT* pointer is NULL, a new TEXT object is created there.
//					If the target TEXT* pointer contains a TEXT object, then the filenames
//					found by this function are ADDED to the END of this existing text object.
//pathname		Absolute or Relative Pathname of folder to be searched
//wildcards		File names (C-style wildcards) to be matched, '|' separates wildcards.
//					eg: "*.MDL|*.HMP|-*_open.*" This will include all MDL and HMP files,
//					and from that list it will then exclude all "*_open.*" files.
//Number of strings ADDED to 'targ' TEXT object. 
var	txt_for_dir_plus( TEXT** targ, STRING* pathname, STRING* wildcards)
{	if((!targ)||(!pathname)||(!wildcards))			return(0);	//un-resolvable parameter set
	TEXT *targ_txt, *tmp_txt=NULL,*sub_txt=NULL;		STRING* tmp_str = str_create("");
	var f_count,t_cnt, wilds, i,ii,sub;					
	//Extract / separate wildcards
	str_cpy(tmp_str, wildcards);		wilds = 0;
	while(str_stri(tmp_str,"|"))	{	str_clip(tmp_str,str_stri(tmp_str,"|"));	wilds++;	}
	STRING* *all_wilds = (STRING**)sys_malloc(sizeof(STRING*) * (wilds++));
	memset(all_wilds, 0, sizeof(STRING*) * wilds);			str_cpy(tmp_str, wildcards);	
	for(i=0;	i<wilds;	i++)
	{	all_wilds[i] = str_create(tmp_str);	
		if(str_stri(tmp_str,"|"))	{	str_clip(tmp_str,str_stri(tmp_str,"|"));
												str_trunc(all_wilds[i],str_len(tmp_str)+1);	}	}
	//ADD files to temporary TEXT for each wildcard that DOESNT start with a '-' sign
	tmp_txt=txt_create(0,0);	tmp_txt.strings=0;	sub_txt=txt_create(16,0);		
	for(t_cnt=0; t_cnt<wilds; t_cnt++)
	{	if(str_to_asc(all_wilds[t_cnt])!='-')
		{	str_cpy(tmp_str, pathname);	
			{	str_cat(tmp_str, "\\");		}	str_cat(tmp_str, all_wilds[t_cnt]);
			{	for(i=0; i<sub; i++)	{	txt_addstring(sub_txt, "");	}	}
			for(i=0; i<sub_txt.strings; i++)	
			{	if(str_len((sub_txt.pstring)[i])) txt_addstring(tmp_txt,(sub_txt.pstring)[i]);
				str_cpy((sub_txt.pstring)[i], "");													}	}	}
	//REMOVE files from temporary TEXT for each wildcard that DOES start with a '-' sign
	for(t_cnt=0; t_cnt<wilds; t_cnt++)
	{	if(str_to_asc(all_wilds[t_cnt])=='-')
		{	str_cpy(tmp_str, pathname);	
			{	str_cat(tmp_str, "\\");		}	str_cat(tmp_str, str_clip(all_wilds[t_cnt],1));
			{	for(i=0; i<sub; i++)	{	txt_addstring(sub_txt, "");	}	}
			for(i=0; i<sub_txt.strings; i++)	
			{	if(str_len((sub_txt.pstring)[i]))
					for(ii=0; ii<tmp_txt.strings; ii++)
						{	str_cpy((tmp_txt.pstring)[ii], "");									}
				str_cpy((sub_txt.pstring)[i], "");													}	}	}
	//TRANSFER from temporary TEXT to target TEXT, after creating target if it needed to be
	targ_txt=*targ;	if(!targ_txt)	
	{	*targ = targ_txt = txt_create(0,0);		reset(targ_txt, SHOW);	targ_txt.strings=0;	}
	f_count=0;	for(i=0; i<tmp_txt.strings; i++)
	{	if(str_len((tmp_txt.pstring)[i]))
		{	txt_addstring(targ_txt, (tmp_txt.pstring)[i]);	f_count++;	}	}
	//Cleanup Workspace
	for(t_cnt=0; t_cnt<wilds; t_cnt++)	{ str_remove(all_wilds[t_cnt]); }
	sys_free(all_wilds);		str_remove(tmp_str);
	if(tmp_txt)	{	for(i=0; i<tmp_txt.strings; i++)	
		if((tmp_txt.pstring)[i]) str_remove((tmp_txt.pstring)[i]);	txt_remove(tmp_txt);	}
	if(sub_txt)	{	for(i=0; i<sub_txt.strings; i++)	
		if((sub_txt.pstring)[i]) str_remove((sub_txt.pstring)[i]);	txt_remove(sub_txt);	}
	return(f_count);																								}

Might be usefull txt_for_dir_plus, written by evilSOB.

Acknex umgibt uns...zwischen Dir, mir, dem Stein dort...
"Hey Griswold ... where u gonna put a tree that big ?"
1998 i married my loved wife ... Sheeva from Mortal Kombat, not Evil-Lyn as might have been expected
rayp.flags |= UNTOUCHABLE;