Somehow the shadeC evo rendering in dark levels looks pretty close to Left4Dead(source), i like it.

Looks good, except the white on the flashlight is a bit overkill bright.
Thanks. Worked on the brightlevel you mentioned and changed material (of Zombies) to support emisse textures ( like flashlight ) corrected normalmap. Made the lightcone a bit smaller.

, I laughed and cried at the same time. grin
hehe ^^

Of course, eyes are glowing in the dark

Just the destroyed roof of one building with active flashlight

Heres a typical glowing, normal and specular FX file
//----- USER INPUT -------------------------------------------------------------

//assign skins
#define SKIN_ALBEDO ( //diffusemap
#define SKIN_ALPHA (skin1.w) //alpha
#define SKIN_NORMAL ( //normalmap
#define SKIN_GLOSS (skin2.w) //glossmap
#define SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK ( //emissive mask
//#define SKIN_COLOR (skin3.w) //(team)color mask


#define NORMALMAPPING //do normalmapping?

#define GLOSSMAP //entity has glossmap?
#define GLOSSSTRENGTH 0 //glossmap channel will be set to this value if GLOSSMAP is not defined

#define EMISSIVEMASK //use emissive mask? (formula: emissive_color = SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK * SKIN_ALBEDO)
//#define EMISSIVE_A7 // (optional EMISSIVEMASK addon) use emissive_red/green/blue for as emissive color? (formula: emissive_color = SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK * vecEmissive)
//#define EMISSIVE_SHADEC // (optional EMISSIVEMASK addon) OR use SC_OBJECT_EMISSIVE as emissive color? (formula: emissive_color = SKIN_EMISSIVEMASK * SC_OBJECT_EMISSIVE)

//#define OBJECTCOLOR_A7 // use diffuse_red/green/blue as (team)color using the colormask?
//#define OBJECTCOLOR_SHADEC // OR use SC_OBJECT_COLOR as (team)color using the colormask?

//#define ALPHACLIP //do alphatesting/alphacutout?

//#define USE_VEC_DIFFUSE //use diffuse_red/green/blue? (note: don't use with OBJECTCOLOR_A7 at the same time)

//#define ZPREPASS //do an early zbuffer prepass? Only makes sense for heavy ALU


#include <scHeaderObject>
// <-
// insert custom code here
// ->
#include <scObject>

MDL file skins used:
entskin1 = diffuse / alpha = alpha
entskin2 = normal / alpha = specular
entskin3 = emisse

Feedback and great news from 3run. Creating the WRS file works ( as long as u modified the shadec - script and moved the DDS file be4 ).

btw the house in the background is not lighten by flashlight, theres another light placed in WED.


Last edited by rayp; 07/13/16 22:28.

Acknex umgibt uns...zwischen Dir, mir, dem Stein dort...
"Hey Griswold ... where u gonna put a tree that big ?"
1998 i married my loved wife ... Sheeva from Mortal Kombat, not Evil-Lyn as might have been expected
rayp.flags |= UNTOUCHABLE;