Originally Posted By: Malice
Ok I think got the transparency working but now shadows on the object act all weird, any solution to this? (ps ignore the ugly unwrapping of the tree skin grin ):

I'd have to look at the alpha test / alpha blending setting. Also check your models normal

Also check when using flat polygons that these is no back-culling (like making a modeling software force 2-sided rendering).
, with normal you mean normal map? I see nothing wrong with it, it also was automatically generated with NVIDIA's plugins. The model itself also seems fine, all closed meshes when checking in MED. And with default acknex lightning also doesn't show anything wrong.

It seems more like some conflict between shade-c shadows and
#define TRANSPARENT //entity alpha should be interpreted as transparent/translucent?

Maybe cause its registers the non-leaves part of the tree also as translucent/transparent? confused Even though its alpha is 100%.