, with normal you mean normal map? I see nothing wrong with it, it also was automatically generated with NVIDIA's plugins. The model itself also seems fine, all closed meshes when checking in MED. And with default acknex lightning also doesn't show anything wrong.

No I meant the direction normals of the polygons in the model itself not a second normal map. If a polygon normal is misaligned or flipped, the polygon does not draw textures and light correctly. If it's flipped, you get what looks like invisible spots on the mesh.
It seems more like some conflict between shade-c shadows and
#define TRANSPARENT //entity alpha should be interpreted as transparent/translucent?

I'd still think it's because you don't have 2 sided turn on or e.g. backface-culling turned off.
Are your leaves just plains with a alpha texture?

ED-- I'll look at it now.

Last edited by Malice; 07/28/16 11:51.