With --- #define TRANSPARENT --- alphablendenble == true
This has been noted to me by many others as causing sorting errors..
So possible cause

Try #define ALPHA but not #define TRANSPARENT
Another option is to hack the default.c and turn it to FALSE
for defult.fx sc verrsion
				alphablendenable = true;
				BlendOp = Add;
				//SrcBlend = InvDestColor;
				//DestBlend = One;
				//SrcBlendAlpha = InvDestAlpha;//InvDestAlpha;
				//DestBlendAlpha = One;

I still can't find a way to change to a solid_pass.

Also this in the main setup
sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunShadowResolution = 512; //reduce shadow resolution as we are manually setting the shadow range to 5000 and can therefor get away with a small shadowmap
	sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunPssmSplitWeight = 0.7; //high res near splits, low res far splits
	sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunShadowRange = 5000; //manually set the shadow range...we don't need realtime shadows in the far distant! If set to 0 (default) shadow range will be set to camera.clip_far
	sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunShadowBias = 0.001; //set the shadow bias

You can try increasing the '' sc_screen_default.settings.lights.sunShadowResolution = 512; //reduce shadow resolution as we are manually setting the shadow range to 5000 and can therefor get away with a small shadowmap ''
Maybe 1024??

I'm really guessing it all out at the moment... Not sure at all. So it's your choice if you want to try these things.

EDIT - This might be the way to turn on a solid -pass. I can test, kind of got mad and installed the engine again

in you custom transparent.fx add


Last edited by Malice; 07/28/16 12:22.