Hi and welcome on board.

The code itself seams to be ok ( i mean it runs without errors )

Create a Terrain (HMP) and a model file (MDL). Both with MED. Then your script will run. Pretty sure it cant load one of those files.

Or create a simple map (WMB) with WED. And modify your main function like this
function main() {


Guess problem now is your script / game cant found those files loaded from here

If you write your code here in the forum between [ c o d e ] and [ / c o d e ] but without the empty spaces your text will appear in a codebox and will be much more easy to read grin

I made another very simple example. Create a map with WED. For example just a hollowed block. Save it as "yourlevel.wmp". Build the map ( will create the WMB file ).
Create a new script file with the following code
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#define WALK_SPEED skill1   // mask skill1 of ent with WALK_SPEED
#define HEALTH     skill2   // same here but with health and skill2

action simpleHero(){        // actions will apear in the WED action list of your script
	my.WALK_SPEED = 6;       // set our speed 
	my.HEALTH     = 100;     // 100 lifepoints
	VECTOR dist;             // a vector for distance ent is moving
	while (my.HEALTH > 0){   // as long as weve lifepoints were looping the code below
		dist.x = ((key_w - key_s) * my.WALK_SPEED) * time_step; // forward backward moving
		dist.y = ((key_a - key_d) * my.WALK_SPEED) * time_step; // side moving
		move_mode = IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE;        // used from c_move below
		c_move (me, vector (dist.x, dist.y, 0), nullvector, move_mode); // finally move the ent!
		my.pan -= mickey.x * time_step;		 // handle PAN of entity ( left - right looking )
		vec_set (camera.x, my.x);            // set camera XYZ to entitys XYZ (follow)
		camera.pan = my.pan;                 // set camera PAN to ent pan
		camera.roll = 0;
		camera.tilt -= mickey.y * time_step; // handle camera TILT ( up - down looking )
		camera.tilt = clamp (camera.tilt, -85, 85); // clamp the camera TILT value
		wait (1); // wait one frame

void main() {
	level_load("yourlevel.wmb"); // load the level created in WED
	ent_create("player.mdl", vector (0,0,0), simpleHero); // load your hero / player
	// needs two files in the folder: yourlevel.wmb and your player entity player.mdl


Acknex umgibt uns...zwischen Dir, mir, dem Stein dort...
"Hey Griswold ... where u gonna put a tree that big ?"
1998 i married my loved wife ... Sheeva from Mortal Kombat, not Evil-Lyn as might have been expected
rayp.flags |= UNTOUCHABLE;