Really long time ago when the last entries were made here, I still watch ONS running with more or less ... loss in total. This weekend was a disaster, first time a stop was hit, in EUR/JPY - okay trading EUR long seemed to be a bad idea in general referring to the Italian referendum. But I faced another problem:

[151: Fri 02.12.16 00:00]  0.84636
(EUR/USD::S) Short 200@1.0516 Entry stop
Weekend at 02.12. 20:00....................
Weekend ends at 04.12. 23:00
(EUR/USD::S) Entry stop 1.0516 hit at 23:22.
[EUR/USD::S8842] Short 200@1.0516 Risk 40$  at 23:21..

Because my EntryTime is default (1) I was astonished that the trade was still valid on Sunday night when the market continued, such trades are not intended. But I fear with default setting for Weekend (means 2) all prices that arrive until Monday 00:00 are counted to the Friday bar? If so setting Weekend to 1 expires trades on Friday (on a bar period of 1440)?