Originally Posted By: jcl
If cTrader provides a FIX interface, you can theoretically Zorro connect to it through the broker plugin. But this is not a fast solution, since all quotes and orders then run through cTrader.

It's the same with the MT4 bridge. The latency is in the ~10 ms range. For a fast connection you need to connect Zorro directly to the broker - a cTrader or MT4 connection won't do. But if speed is not very important, it's a convenient solution.

The press release wasn't very clear about this but the interface is provided by the brokers. The connection is entirely independent of cTrader, which only provides the credentials.

There's a little documentation for it here.

In fact, the IP address provided by the cTrader interface matches the IP address that netstat shows my computer connecting to (, which is the cTrader proxy in Amsterdam that cTrader is connecting to).

So latency should certainly not be an issue.

Perhaps that "FIX API template" entry in the "future plans" section could be bumped up? It'd add a lot of potential brokers that happen to have lower commissions and better performance.

Last edited by Veratyr; 02/06/17 03:53.