I'd like to echo @AndrewAMD.

Don't make the mistake of thinking anyone here is a genius (OK,maybe with the exception of jcl). Wherever any of us are at is the result of a long period of hard work. Personally, it took me several years to "get it", to the extent that I do.

The good news is that being a genius isn't a pre-requisite for succeeding at this game. Anyone can do it, but it takes a lot of hard work and deliberate practice. The consistent application of a disciplined approach trumps intelligence and natural talent every single day of the week. I don’t know about you, but I find that incredibly comforting and empowering!

I'm actually in the middle of writing a blog post that addresses this very issue, so I hope you'll check it out when I publish it. For now, the best advice I can give you is to accept that you are in for a long and at times difficult journey (adjust your expectations accordingly), but one whose destination is most definitely within your reach.